Anode Slime Gained During Electrolysis Process of Secondary Copper Anodes

Document Type : Research Article


1 University of Mitrovica, Geoscinces Faculty.Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Republic of KOSOVO

2 Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, TURKEY

3 Flogen Technologies Inc., 1255 Laird Blvd., Quebec, H3P2T1, CANADA


The aim of this research is to get a better understanding of the electrolytic refining process in order to yield the anode slime. Three types of secondary copper anodes are electro refined in an electrolytic system, where the electrolyte is an acid of copper sulphate solution. As a result of the electro-refining process the anode slime has been gained as secondary product. The experimental research analysis of anode slime composition is done by two methods: X-Ray Fluorescent (XRF) method which is realized with the help of Thermoscientic Nitro XL 3t device and as second method X-Rays Diffractometry (XRD) is used, which is realized with the help of D8 Advance Bruker AXS equipment. The anode slime introduces a multi-component secondary product of electrolytic refining process of metals composed of insoluble components of Cu, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Ir, etc. The composition of the anode slimes varies according to the composition of the anodes. The qualitative preparation of raw material – anode slime of secondary Cu and its rational utilization will result in the optimization of the process of gaining metals for which it is dedicated. This study has shown that the anode slime contains gold, silver and platinum group of metals and these metals can be recovered.


Main Subjects

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